Drive With Joysticks Command

This command, placed inside of coppercore’s wpilib_interface library, has several advanced features to help make driving smoother. These include:

  • enhanced sensitivity via squaring the magnitude of linear and rotational velocities
  • adjustable deadbands
  • adjustable max speeds (linear and rotational)

Using the Command

Importing Library

To import the command simply add this line to the robot code’s build.gradle under dependencies similar to how other coppercore dependencies are added

dependencies {
    implementation "io.github.team401.coppercore:wpilib_interface:$version"

Setting Up Drive Subsystem

In order to use this command, the drive subsystem must implement the DriveTemplate located in wpilib_interface library:

public class SwerveDrive implements DriveTemplate {

Note: by implementing DriveTemplate, you DO NOT have to extend SubsystemBase, this step is already included within the DriveTemplate.

Adding SetGoalSpeeds method

The DriveTemplate also requires that the driveSubsytem have a setGoalSpeeds method. This is how the DriveWithJoysticks command will tell drive what speeds are being commmanded. An example of adding this to the talonfx-swerve used in 2025 is shown below.

public class Drive implements DriveTemplate {
    public ChassisSpeeds goalSpeeds = new ChassisSpeeds();
    public void setGoalSpeeds(ChassisSpeeds speeds) {
        this.goalSpeeds = speeds;

    // NOTE: parameter was removed from this method since we set goal speeds elsewhere
    public void runVelocity() { 
        // Calculate module setpoints
        ChassisSpeeds discreteSpeeds = ChassisSpeeds.discretize(goalSpeeds, 0.02); // only difference is found on this line, where speeds discretized are based on set goal speeds
        SwerveModuleState[] setpointStates = kinematics.toSwerveModuleStates(discreteSpeeds);
        SwerveDriveKinematics.desaturateWheelSpeeds(setpointStates, TunerConstants.kSpeedAt12Volts);

        // Log unoptimized setpoints and setpoint speeds
        Logger.recordOutput("SwerveStates/Setpoints", setpointStates);
        Logger.recordOutput("SwerveChassisSpeeds/Setpoints", discreteSpeeds);

        // Send setpoints to modules
        for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

        // Log optimized setpoints (runSetpoint mutates each state)
        Logger.recordOutput("SwerveStates/SetpointsOptimized", setpointStates);

Furthermore, to keep things uniform throughout code, any other commands for running velocity should now be sent to setGoalSpeeds method. Braking could be done like so drive.setGoalSpeeds(new ChassisSpeeds(0));

Adjusting RunVelocity

finally, remove the parameter from runVelocity method like above, and add this runVelocity method to the end of the drivetrains periodic method. If you notice drive isn’t moving, you likely forgot this step.

public void periodic {

Note: This is needed because the DriveWithJoysticks command calls setGoalSpeeds every loop, however, without ever running runVelocity the robot would never move. Speeds would be updated but never sent to drive motors.

Adding Command to RobotContainer

This just involved setting the default command for drive to a new instance of the DriveWithJoysticks command. Linear and angular speeds should match the max of those set in drive subsystem.

    new DriveWithJoysticksCommand(
        drive, // type: DriveTemplate
        leftJoystick, // type: CommandJoystick
        righJoystick, // type: CommandJoystick
         maxLinearSpeed, // type: double (m/s)
         maxAngularSpeed, // type: double (rad/s)
         joystickDeadband // type: double

Note: If joysticks behave with too much sensitivity (barely tapping causes movement) increase the deadband, maybe 0.05 -> 0.1